Tea Party Patriots Organization Publishes Guide to Push Back on Critical Race Theory


Members of the Tea Party Patriots organization published a guide for citizens to push back on Critical Race Theory (CRT) teachings in public education throughout the country.

The guide is meant to inform parents and concerned citizens on the fundamental beliefs of CRT and how the ideology is being spread through school systems.

“I knew I wasn’t the only one who wants to understand this like a lot of other people and that we needed to put something together so that parents and other activists who are trying to take on this issue on can do so in an informed way and in a way where they can really dig in and make a difference,” Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder and national coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots, told Breitbart News.

The guide compiled by the group informs citizens on how to make their voices heard. Contacting local and federal lawmakers and writing letters to the editor for local media are some of the actions that the toolkit encourages.

Further, the group’s website instructs individuals to attend school board meetings.

“If we don’t take control of school boards across the country, we will be left with a future that hates our country and each other. It’s up to us to make sure that doesn’t happen!” the website states.

CRT has proven itself to be a dividing issue, even while the majority of Americans disapprove of the academic concept.

Republicans across the country have condemned the advancement of CRT teachings. Former President Trump urged lawmakers to ban the teachings “at every level.” He called the teaching “the exact opposite of the American belief that we are all created equal in the holy image of God.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].









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One Thought to “Tea Party Patriots Organization Publishes Guide to Push Back on Critical Race Theory”

  1. 83ragtop50

    I am getting involved at the local level. I no longer trust those in positions of local authority after watching their actions. I hope to use the material in this guide to make my voice heard.
